Yoshinoya Bekasi

Yoshinoya recently opened a new outlet at Meli Melo Sentra Kuliner 3, Kota Harapan Indah, Bekasi. It is located in the same area as one of our business units, the 3-in-1 outlet of Barnival, Bakmi Naga and Seaside Suki. There are many other branded restaurants over there, including Sate Khas Senayan, Old Town White Coffee, XO Suki, Tekko, Duck King and Iga Bakar Jogja. Slide12 Slide13 Slide14 Slide15 Slide16 Slide17 Slide18 Slide19 Slide20 Slide21 Slide22If people ask me what I love the most in Yoshinoya, I’d answer without hesitation: hot chilli! The texture is very watery, almost looks like chilli sauce at traditional noodle restaurants.

Kumalawangi, Hotel Royal Amaroosa, Bogor

The ambience of the Royal Amaroosa Hotel made us feel like dining as royals. 20141218_141756 20141218_141651 20141218_141519 20141218_151812

The Christmas decoration made the ambience even more bright and cheerful. 20141218_141217 20141218_141540

The menu book looks very elegant, just like the interior design. The logo of this hotel, which is a cursive letter A, kind of resembles Waldorf Astoria Hotel. 20141218_141419

I ordered Nasi Timbel Amaroosa, a traditional Sundanese cuisine, which comes with rice wrapped in leaf, chicken, tahu goreng (fried tofu), tempe goreng, ikan asin (salted fish), kerupuk kampung, and a bowl of Sayur Asem. Before our order came, they gave each of us free soft roll and butter. I fell in love with the bun at the first bite. So soft, match with the name. 20141218_143050

I like the presentation of the Nasi Timbel, and the taste didn’t disappoint me too much. The rice is warm and fragrant. I didn’t really like the tofu, maybe they should substitute the yellow tofu with Tahu Yun Yi. The tempe was also not very good. The salted fish was very fluffy, quite special. 20141218_14361220141218_144107

It is quite creative to wrap the lalapan with leaf in cone shape, and to put the sambal in tomato. 20141218_14361820141218_143658I really love the chilli paste; not too spicy, but addicting. My friend said the secret ingredient for the this chilli paste is sugar. I requested for extra chilli, and the very friendly waitress came with a big portion of chilli and sweet soy sauce. 20141218_144226

The chilli was so tasty that even my friend who ordered Chicken Teriyaki also mixed the chilli onto the sweet Japanese grilled chicken. 20141218_143245

I finished all the chilli by spreading it onto my soft roll bun. I’m willing to come back here next time to try their other menu, maybe their lunch buffet that costs 160k/person. However, I was surprised to see the bill when they charged 2 cups of single espresso for an order of double espresso. 


Taste ●●●○○

Hospitality ●●●●○

Ambience ●●●●●

Time of Serving ●●●●○

Hygiene ●●●●○

Authenticity ●●●○○

Portion ●●●○○

Presentation ●●●●●


Chicken Teriyaki = IDR 72.000

2*Nasi Timbel = IDR 160.000

Earl Grey Tea = IDR 20.661

2*Single Espresso = IDR 42.000

Subtotal = IDR 294.661

Service Charge 10% = IDR 29.466

Government Tax (10% from subtotal after service charge)  = IDR 32.413

Grand Total = IDR 356.540


Kikugawa is the first Japanese restaurant in Jakarta, opened in 1969 by Kikuchi Surutake, a Japanese soldier who got sent to Jakarta during the World War, fell in love with a Manado woman, and returned to Jakarta after the war was over. He also opened the first Indonesian restaurant in Japan called Bengawan Solo. I assume Mr. Kikuchi is fond of river since he named both of his restaurant with river – Bengawan Solo is a river in Solo, whereas ‘gawa’ from Kikugawa means river, and he added his own name, ‘Kiku’, in front of gawa.

Kikugawa is hidden in Cikini residential area, which is used to be called Jalan Kebon Binatang, a few houses away from Gado Gado Bon Bin [Bon Bin = keBON BINatang].



They offer many kinds of set menus, and the prices are very reasonable.
20141108_194557 20141108_194627Tamagoyaki. Riri’s favourite dish. This one is the best I’ve ever had. 20141108_200418

Look how happy Riri was when the food arrived, just like a little boy who just got a new toy. 20141108_201412

Riri ordered the Kiku Set, which comes with sashimi, tempura, sukiyaki, yakitori, rice and miso soup. The egg in the sukiyaki looks very nice. 20141108_201416

Thatha had the Kikugawa Set A – chicken teriyaki, gindara teriyaki, agedashi tofu, mini oden, salad, rice and miso soup. I asked the chicken and fish to be grilled, and to replace rice with salad. I like the salad dressing, some kind of yuzu soysauce.  I really liked the agedashi tofu, as the sauce contains ginger. 20141108_201444

What made the special dish became more special was the super spicy chilli powder. Riri asked for togarashi, but turned out that this restaurant offered Thai chilli powder, which fits more to Indonesian taste. 20141108_201834

Look at how beautiful they cut the papaya, looked like salmon sashimi. 20141108_203759

After the free fruit dessert, the waitress gave us a comment form to fill. I gave full marks for each criteria, but I wrote a suggestion to add sake and dessert menu. And maybe it could be much more interesting if they write the history of Kikuchi on the menu book. Thanks to @efenerr for the valuable information.  20141108_204022

Kikugawa is truly a hidden gem. People come here to enjoy unpretentious Japanese soul food, not to enjoy luxurious interior in many famous Japanese restaurants in Jakarta. There are more unpretentious Japanese restaurants in Little Tokyo Blok M, which was developed a decade after Kikugawa, around the 80s. I was a bit worried that there was nobody when we entered the restaurant, but after  we ordered, more and more people came.